Relate to the Matter As I Drop the Bomb

We attended the opening of Dubai-based artist UBIK last night at traffic.
We've known UBIK for years now - as he actually painted a mural in one of our first StickyGinger offices - and the boy has really become a man and made a huge transition in his work.

Relate to the Matter As I Drop the Bomb examines the recent socio-political shift in the MENA region, by exploring the optimism of the “new wave social media 9-5 weekday anarchists” who seem to promote a sense of idealism that is both convenient and skeptical. 
Showing lenticular phrases, interactive photocopiers (I picked up limited edition print 10/100) and physical displays -as well as translated excerpts from films such as 'Fight Club" - this show really impressed me. I absolutely loved it.

Another huge coup for Rami Farook, traffic and of course, UBIK. Check out pictures below.

Opens Wed, 18 May - 7pm
Runs until 15 June, 2011
Traffic, Gallery I

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